Living Better With Keratoconus

Being diagnosed with any eye condition can be frightening, and it is natural to worry about the future. 

Most people with keratoconus will retain a good level of vision with the correct treatment,and there is lots of support out there for you.

Talk to others with experience of keratoconus

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There are lots of people you can talk to for advice and support: 

  •  Sight loss support charities

RNIB have a telephone Helpline and a Sight Loss Counselling team, and UK Keratoconus Self-Help and Support Association have lots of information and resources on their website. 

  • Your GP or social worker may be able to find you a counsellor.
  • Your Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) can provide practical and emotional support.

Follow medical advice

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For most people, treatment for keratoconus can ensure good vision, but it is very important to follow your doctor's advice to help slow the progression of the condition and prevent more damage to the cornea. 

You should also attend all of your eye appointments to make sure that the treatment you are currently receiving is still appropriate. Your doctor will tell you how often you need to attend check ups.

Do not rub your eyes

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Rubbing your eyes can make keratoconus worse. If you have allergies or another condition which makes your eyes itch, speak with your doctor about how you can treat this.

See how sight research can help

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Researchers are working all the time to find new treatments for keratoconus. Have a look at the Research on keratoconus section on our glaucoma information page to see if there are any new developments which could help you, and discuss these with your ophthalmologist.

Find out how Assistive Technology helps to manage tasks made difficult by low vision and blindness.