If you support us via Standing Order

Firstly, our deeply heartfelt thanks for your support! If we have made any difference to patients today with the research we have funded over the last three decades, it is thanks to you. Your regular commitment is key in helping us plan what research we can fund and we hope that you will continue to join us.

Now that the charity has changed its name, you do not have to take any action. We have not changed the name of the bank account where Standing Orders are received, so it will continue to be National Eye Research Centre and you will see no changes on your bank statement. 

Everything about your Standing Order (collection date, amount, and frequency) will remain unchanged.

Thank you again for your wonderful support.

If you have any questions, please do get in touch. 

We are always happy to help. 

You can phone us on 0117 325 7757 or email hello@sightresearchuk.org.